Lets grow this movement

After three years, membership at Dugout Captain is over 11K!  How amazing is that? I’m blown away while also believing that we are truly just scratching the surface. Especially now that we are free, the biggest challenge we face is letting baseball people know we exist. Sooooooo…

Please you help us spread the word about Dugout Captain?

Please share this blog using one of these handy buttons, forward an email, or send out the DC url (www.dugoutcaptain.com) and help us, help others. The second I get tired, or trend downward on this emotional roller coaster ride of attempting to “boil-the-baseball-ocean”… I have a conversation with a Captain that fires me up. Yesterday I spoke with volunteer coaches in New Jersey, Texas, and Washington state. We are in this together!

International Movement

In 2018, we’ve partnered with some special, special people doing GREAT work across the globe:

  • Captain Michael Johnstone, who is currently bringing Dugout Captain with him to Croatia and Kosovo (see website and his AMAZING work here)
  • Captain Kristin Thompson (Joshua 1:Nine), who is taking DC with her to the Dominican Republic. Building out a field, housing, feeding program… ya know, nothing big!!?
  • Captain Tom O’Connell, who leads the International Sports Group and is using Dugout Captain as a leave-behind at coaching clinics literally all over the world. Tom’s halo burns bright, real bright.
  • Captain Pete Caliendo (Caliendo Sports International) also with ISG, and himself taking teams to Italy, Cuba, DR, and Japan as part of Caliendo Sports. Great podcast as well.
  • Captains Tom Gillespie and Pat Doyle, who run PlayGlobal, and are using DC to support their incredible work in Africa, Israel, and India. Want to be humbled? Check out this video on Uganda baseball.

Every one of those groups is worthy of our support. I included links in case anyone is interested in volunteering, playing internationally, or supporting their work. Careful though, you can lose hours reading and viewing all that they are doing with, and through, our wonderful sport.

Site Updates – *NEW* Build a Team, Invite Members

Building a team and inviting team members just got waaaaaaay easier. I hear you, the old process was painful (I’m coaching a youth team too – and I have roughly 75% of my parents on board). So, we worked on creating a more simple way to create a team distribution list:

Build Your Distribution List

Navigate to the CLIPBOARD screen and load any practice plan.  To create your team, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click the orange Share button, then select the Team option
  2. Create your Team (only name is required)
  3. Invite Team Members – Input athlete name & parent contact info (click Invite)

Once you have invited those 12-24 parents, you’re done. Going forward, you can share any practice or training plan this way:  Click SHARE, select your TEAM, and SEND. Assistant coaches and parents can click your invite-email, register for free, and then access team practice plans or anything else you share with them.

Be sure to view my most recent videos at the previous post HERE. Coaches will want to watch the last one on Thoughts After 15 Coaching Clinics Completed.

2 thoughts on “Lets grow this movement

  1. Thanks for the love! Shared DC at the clinic in Croatia with baseball and softball coaches from Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, and Ukraine. The response was incredibly positive! Hopefully these guys and gals will be signing up and using the platform to its potential!

    Let’s talk soon!

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