90 Minutes – 4/23/17

Team Name
La Canada Spartans
Palm Crest Elementary
Start Time
End Time
Warm Up Dyn Warm Up 8U #1 stopwatch 4:00-4:10 timer 10 Minutes
~ SEE "EXECUTION KEYS" BELOW FOR AGE-SPECIFIC SUGGESTION LIST ~ The Dynamic Warm Up is today's warm up routine.  Gone are the days of standing in a...Read More
notes Notes:
50% Jog, high knees, karaoke, 75% jog
Early Baserunning Airplane Take Offs stopwatch 4:10-4:15 timer 5 Minutes
Airplane Take Offs is a simple Early Baserunning drill to teach young players an athletic first step movement.  While categorized under the title of...Read More
notes Notes:
Start with straight breaks from baseline 95% speed. Progress to lead off base to break to second
Throwing Structured Catch Play stopwatch 4:15-4:25 timer 10 Minutes
Playing catch is the most important "drill" you will ever run as a coach! Structured Catch Play is more than just a drill.  It's actually more of an organized,...Read More
notes Notes:
Coach proper technique, fix any issues
Throwing Long Toss Competition stopwatch 4:25-4:30 timer 5 Minutes
Long Toss Competition is a fun throwing competition to run at the end of a throwing segment.  Teach, then throw, finish by competing.  This helps to...Read More
notes Notes:
Coaches are judges as pairs drop out they become judges
Buffet Drill stopwatch 4:30-4:40 timer 10 Minutes
The Buffet Drill is most effectively run as a Quick Defense drill and combines four movements of baseball athleticism into a fun, quick activity.  Run...Read More
notes Notes:
3 coaches, grounder, quick throw & pop-up back
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Running Darts
stopwatch 4:45-4:55 timer 10 Minutes
Matt Regan
Ground Ball Competition
stopwatch 4:55-5:05 timer 10 Minutes
Paul Geller
Separation Drills
stopwatch 5:05-5:15 timer 10 Minutes
Kenny Burns
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Finish Obstacle Course stopwatch 5:20-5:25 timer 5 Minutes
Obstacle Course is a Warm Up drill is designed for fun.  Run this early in the season to help break the ice and get kids to loosen up and smile.  The...Read More
notes Notes:
Quick meeting after the relay. Life lesson.

"If you want to be better, then give a better effort, have a better plan and choose a better attitude!"

– Seth M. Quealy (mental coach)


  •  Attitude and effort are two areas that never have slumps
  •  A great attitude naturally brings forth great effort
  •  Have fun. Be happy. Play hard