Feb 26 – PARC

Team Name
Feb 26 – PARC
Start Time
End Time
Early Activity 2 Lines, 1 Coach stopwatch 1:50-2:00 timer 10 Minutes
2 Lines, 1 Coach is a simple name for a simple drill.  Options include running this drill as an Early Activity, or during station instruction.  Coach...Read More
notes Notes:
As they come in the gym, they'll join in with their gloves. Then team meeting.
Warm Up Basketball Lines stopwatch 2:00-2:05 timer 5 Minutes
Basketball Lines - Rekindle your inner hoops player and get "on the line."  A simple change-of-direction move to train agility and condition athletes....Read More
notes Notes:
1 point to the winner of each race
Early Leads & Breaks stopwatch 2:05-2:10 timer 5 Minutes
Leads & Breaks is run either at the beginning (Early Baserunning) or end of practice (Baserunning).  It involves sprint work infused with leadoff...Read More
notes Notes:
Set up cones for the lead off spot, 1 pts to the winner of each race
Throwing Quick Catch Competition stopwatch 2:10-2:20 timer 10 Minutes
Quick Catch Competition is an execution drill to finish the throwing segment.  It helps to train throwing accuracy, baseball athleticism (hands working...Read More
notes Notes:
Have them count the number of clean catches in 30 seconds
Quick Defense SS Darts stopwatch 2:20-2:25 timer 5 Minutes
SS Darts is a great drill to run during Quick Defense.  Before using an overhand dart during drills, give the athletes a chance to learn and train that...Read More
notes Notes:
2 points for every throw to the chest
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
How to Coach: Pitching #1
stopwatch 2:30-2:45 timer 15 Minutes
Pickoffs – 1B (RHP)
stopwatch 2:45-3:00 timer 15 Minutes
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
BP Reps: Soft Toss
stopwatch 3:05-3:20 timer 15 Minutes
Cone & Tee Drill
stopwatch 3:20-3:35 timer 15 Minutes
3 Step Hitting
stopwatch 3:35-3:45 timer 10 Minutes
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Baserunning Fastest Man Standing stopwatch 3:50-3:55 timer 5 Minutes
Fastest Man Standing (FMS) involves a combination of sprint work and competition.  The sprint variations help to hold the focus of athletes and shift...Read More
notes Notes:
Slowest person stands to help as ticker tape; 5 points to the winner