6U – 120 Mins #4

Team Name
6U – 120 Mins #4
Start Time
04:00 PM
End Time
06:00 PM
Early Activity Wiffle Cricket stopwatch - timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Cricket is a drill used primarily as an Early Activity.  It involves only wiffle balls, so no athletes are throwing before being warm, and can...Read More
notes Notes:
Three point leaders lead Warm Up lines.
Warm Up Dyn Warm Up 6U #1 stopwatch - timer 10 Minutes
Dynamic Warm Up 6U is a movement-based warm up routine specific to athletes age 6+.  The Dynamic Warm Up is today's warm up routine.  Gone are the...Read More
notes Notes:
Another chance to focus on technique. Get a sweat, move correctly.
Early Baserunning Tagging Up stopwatch - timer 5 Minutes
DC recommends running Tagging Up during Early Baserunning.  Use final 4-6 sprints and review tagging up fundamentals. EXECUTION - First athlete jogs...Read More
notes Notes:
Start middle cone, retreat to first cone... sprint through far cone.
Throwing Feet In Concrete stopwatch - timer 10 Minutes
Feet in Concrete is a throwing drill typically done as part of the Throwing Progression (a routine to follow while warming the arm up).  Depending on...Read More
notes Notes:
Standing no stride with partners. Continue into catch play as appropriate.
Quick Defense Lying Down Wiffle Catch stopwatch - timer 5 Minutes
Lying Down Wiffle Catch is primarily used as a Quick Defense drill designed to assist young players in “getting the glove up.” Falling underneath...Read More
notes Notes:
Fun way to force palm up. Start glove side... move across head... increase height.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Reinforce broken movements. Involve lateral movement.
Four Corner Receiving
stopwatch - timer 15 Minutes
Challenge with pace, distance, unpredictability.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
BP Reps: Soft Toss
stopwatch - timer 15 Minutes
Quiet feet. Get swings, support instruction.
Put it together: Legs & Arms
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Baserunning Fundamentals: Sliding stopwatch - timer 10 Minutes
Fundamentals of Sliding is a drill designed to introduce athletes to the proper way to execute a feet-first slide.  Safety is paramount to sliding and...Read More
notes Notes:
Figure Four technique: Hands up, foot tucked behind opposite knee.
Mental / Finish No Goals – GB Competition stopwatch - timer 5 Minutes
GroundBalls - No Goals is a station drill for use after ground ball fundamentals have been introduced.  This drill is designed to train and develop infield...Read More
notes Notes:
Two teams compete for points.

"Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn."

– John Maxwell, Author


  •  Win with class, lose with pride. Either way, have a good time!
  •  Baseball is a game, and games are supposed to be fun.
  •  Beat your opponent in such a way that he wants to compete with you again.