6U – 120 Mins #3 red sox

Team Name
6U – 120 Mins #3 red sox
Field 5
Start Time
End Time
Early Activity Wiffle Circle stopwatch 8:45-9:00 timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time.  It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More
notes Notes:
Spread out hitters for safety.
Warm Up Dyn Warm Up 6U #1 stopwatch 9:00-9:10 timer 10 Minutes
Dynamic Warm Up 6U is a movement-based warm up routine specific to athletes age 6+.  The Dynamic Warm Up is today's warm up routine.  Gone are the...Read More
notes Notes:
Teach the routine - both structure and movements.
Early Baserunning Secondary Breaks stopwatch 9:10-9:15 timer 5 Minutes
Secondary Breaks allow baserunners to practice secondary movements and also what will become the delay-steal.  They are to be run during Early Baserunning...Read More
notes Notes:
Shuffle, shuffle, go / Side start vs. sprinter stance
Throwing No Partner Throwing #3 stopwatch 9:15-9:25 timer 10 Minutes
No Partner Throwing is designed for the youngest players and run early in the season.  The set up and structure allow for safety as athletes will throw...Read More
notes Notes:
Reinforce legs, introduce fundamentals of glove and throwing arm.
Quick Defense Waiter Tray Receiving stopwatch 9:25-9:30 timer 5 Minutes
Waiter Tray Receiving is an introductory activity to drill receiving or outfield skills during the Quick Defense portion of practice.  The goal of this...Read More
notes Notes:
Force the glove hand to turn up - palm to the sky!
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Footwork - Start slow (R / L / Shuffle / Throw)
Tennis Racquet Fly Balls
stopwatch 9:50-10:05 timer 15 Minutes
Eliminate fear and reinforce palm up.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
3 Step Hitting
stopwatch 10:10-10:25 timer 15 Minutes
Focus on feet.
How To Coach: Hitting #2
stopwatch 10:25-10:40 timer 15 Minutes
Instruction moves to hands & arms (punch position)
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Baserunning Breaks stopwatch 10:45-10:55 timer 10 Minutes
Breaks are essentially steal first-movements, done without a lead.  For those athletes that can NOT leadoff, breaks work the athletic position at the...Read More
notes Notes:
Baserunners @ 1st base for instruction on breaking from bag (as per league/division rules)
Mental / Finish Bucket Free Throws stopwatch 10:55-11:00 timer 5 Minutes
Bucket Free Throws is a fun competition to finish practice with.  It is, as it sounds, the simple challenge of making a baseball into a bucket.  Just...Read More
notes Notes:

"Confidence comes from being prepared."

– John Wooden


  •  Confidence is earned: Hard work = Improved skill = Confidence
  •  Team Culture - Expect to Win vs. Not to Lose
  •  Look the Part - Posture, Body Language, Self-Talk