Proud Partner

As the Official Workout and Practice Planning Tool of Babe Ruth League Baseball & Softball, Dugout Captain is proud to offer FREE membership benefits to all NAMPA BABE RUTH LEAGUE families. See below for a description of benefits and sign up today. This partnership aims to provide tools and resources to benefit the parent or coach of the Babe Ruth ballplayer, with the ultimate goal of improving the player and family experience.
Membership is FREE for all NAMPA BABE RUTH LEAGUE families (really, there's no fine print).

Sign Up Now
START TODAYFOR INDIVIDUALS: Coaches, parents, aunts, uncles... find a way to get someone better.

All In
START TODAYFOR GROUPS: Hook up EVERY coach in your league. Let DC do the work and make you look like a hero!

Drill Library
Created from real-life experience working with the most challenging athletes. All drills include video, descriptive text, set-up diagram, and patented DC Keys providing tricks and tips to save time and frustration.
- 200+ Unique & Fun Drills
- Designed For Youth
- Keep Multiple Athletes Busy
- Save Time & Effort

Practice Plans
Ready-made practice plans programmed to prepare athletes at each age level. Following the bullet point objectives laid out in the Athlete Development, plans are filled with DC Drills - and each has specific notes for THAT drill's use at THAT practice.
- Organized by age, from Tee Ball to 14+
- Choose from 60, 90 to 120 Mins options - 13 plans at each age
- Share practice plan in 5 clicks
- No Coaching Experience Necessary
- Drill video and notes loaded for each segment

Athlete Development Plan
Step-by-step developmental curriculum to guide the coaching process. Bullet point learning objectives by age, with the plan to accomplish them. No stress, what to expect, tricks of the trade. DC Practice Plans programmed to reach Athlete Development Plan goals.
- Narrative to Guide Athlete Development
- Graduate Levels with Clear Goal Objectives
- Read it all, or advance to your age-level
- What to Coach, When to Coach It

Skill Training
Coach-the-Coach guide to train skill development in pitching, hitting, infield and the catcher position. Fix-it plans for correcting fundamental flaws and problems. Coaching Tips included to assist game management, handling umpires, parent problems, and best practices.
- Save Time & Money
- Train-a-Skill Lesson Plans to Coach Fundamentals
- Fix-a-Problem Lesson Plans to Address Common Challenges
- Keep Your Athlete Safe & Healthy

Select a ready-made plan or build your own via DC Virtual Clipboard. Then SHARE to athlete, parent, assistant coach, or team.
- Contacts Receive Interactive Plan - Loaded with Drill Videos, Notes, and Details
- Send Training Plan to Athlete, Practice Plan to Team
- Assistant Coaches & Parents Can Help Run Drills
- Families See & Can Practice at Home

My Dugout
Control panel to launch into action. Build a team, invite player families, store plans, find resources, connect with other coaches.
- Build a Team and Invite Member Families
- Find Life Lesson and Coach’s Tips Videos
- Support, Tutorials and Community