Life Lesson Initiative – #5 GOALS


Through Goals, we obtain two things:  (1) we get stuff and (2) we develop character.

And while “Getting Things” might sound way cooler than “Developing Character,” the TRUE purpose of setting goals is what happens to you during the process or journey you take to achieve them. It’s the work that matters… the work that changes you and creates a better you. The journey towards a goal engrains the habits of hard work, deliberate practice, and gritty effort.

This week, let’s take a look at the spring season. What would beam awesome goal to achieve? This goal has to be specific, must be measurable, and it’s gotta be short term. What could you do THIS season that would truly fire you up?

Example: Two line drives in one game. Heck, three line drives in one game.


In a longer, more-involved Goal Setting class, we would next take your goal and drill down, down, down to establish the categories that need work, and the stuff that needs to be done specifically in each of those areas. Category examples could be repetitions (swings), instruction (working on technique), strength (weight room), and mental game (approach). For today, simply set three “action items” you are committed to doing that can push you forward immediately.

See below to set your goal and then list three things that you can start doing TODAY to move closer to achievement. Have fun picking out a goal that truly fires you up. What would be AWESOME to achieve?

Play hard, have fun!


The ABCA is the primary professional organization for baseball coaches at the amateur level. 11K+ member coaches represent all 50 states and 25 countries! Each year, the group hosts a convention where the brightest minds in coaching present their opinions, the most innovative companies display their products, and coaches from across the world come together to meet, greet, and learn, learn, learn. The ABCA also provides value adds such as a podcast, monthly magazine, weekly emails, insurance, travel discounts and more… all for the low annual fee of $55.  It’s an amazing value and I have been a member for 15 years.

Visit the DC FORUMS to share Life Lesson best practices and Q&A.

  • What part of your game needs work?
  • What would be cool to accomplish (specific to that skill)?
  • In what areas can you train to improve?


  • Action Item #1:
  • Action Item #2:
  • Action Item #3:


  • Action Item #1:
  • Action Item #2:
  • Action Item #3: