Baseball’s greatest coaches, the world’s greatest scientists, and heck, the game’s best players – all tell us that this is a game and games are supposed to be fun! Especially when the pressure is on and the stakes the highest, we’re told we are supposed to “lose ourselves” to the joy of baseball. Mike Trout, a decent player himself, says that THE MOST IMPORTANT part of his success is making sure that he’s relaxing and having fun while on the baseball field. The minute he starts dwelling on a bad at-bat, thinking about his batting average, or beating himself up for a defensive error, he knows it’s time to snap out of it! He stops, takes a deep breath, and handles the next pitch. And he does his best to enjoy each and every moment on the field.
All any of us can do is prepare to the best of our abilities, and let it rip come game-time: Do your best, and forget the rest!!
As players, we need to train ourselves to have fun. Understand that pressure is real, but also that we can handle that pressure how we want. Breath deep, put a smile on our face, and do our best. Play. The. Game.
As coaches and parents, we need to create an atmosphere of fun. Work hard to ensure that players don’t take themselves too seriously, whether winning or losing, having success or failing. This game will teach powerful lessons in life and it’s our job to allow it to do so. Keep baseball fun, stuff practice full of games and competitions, and maintain a big-picture perspective towards your athlete’s development. There is always tomorrow, so long as we’re having fun!
I found it strange that my kindergarten-age son has PE only once per week – once! I have since learned that THIS was not only common, but that a majority of students have little to no outdoor play. My friend and daily inspiration Eric Byrnes started the Let Them Play Foundation as a chance to fund opportunities for play and raise awareness of the plight of inactivity facing our children. Committed to being the bridge between small gifts and a big difference, the Let Them Play Foundation is focused on funding specific needs for organizations that provide the means and opportunity for children to play. Click to support and read more about what Byrnesie is doing.
Play hard, have fun!

- What part of baseball do you think is most fun?
- What is your favorite drill and why?
- Share a FUN story about a great practice or something cool from one of your games.

Invite a friend and play a game of backyard wiffle ball!

Involve one new FUN prop this week: Hula hoop, smiling bucket, trash can, or water balloons.