Change your day, your game, your life… by changing your attitude.
This week, we are choosing to be FOUNTAINS. What is a fountain? A fountain is a person who is constantly filling people up, encouraging their teammates… high-fiving them after a great play, or picking them up after a tough one. Fountains constantly bring positive energy to the group.
On the opposite side of the attitude spectrum is the DRAIN. The drain sucks the energy out of a room and brings people down. It’s no fun to be around a drain, as you can easily get sucked up by negative energy. Athletes, your challenge this week is to be a fountain!
Parents and coaches, how can we encourage and support a positive attitude? Let’s start with a set of rules involving three NO’s (sounds really positive right? ;). Here are those rules:
1. No Whining
2. No Complaining
3. No Excuses
Set up attitude “bumper lanes” this week that remind athletes to focus on the positive and let the rest slip away.
Play hard, have fun!
Every day, my pitchers involve J-Bands into the warm up and throwing routine. It’s a huge part of preventative medicine approach, while building up arm health, arm strength, and adding velocity. You’ll find J-Bands at every one of my practices, every one of my elite bootcamps, and if you are serious about your pitching… take care of your arm first!
Visit the DC FORUMS to share best practices and Q&A.

- Name something that gets you mad?
- How could you react differently when that happens?
- Who on your team do you believe is a FOUNTAIN?

FOUNTAIN vs. DRAIN – Be a fountain this week! Be the first off the bench to congratulate a teammate. Or, put your arm around a teammate that made an error or struck out.

NO WHINING, NO COMPLAINING, NO EXCUSES – Issue this set of rules and follow them for the week! Stay calm as everyone realizes just how much negative junk comes out of our mouths. And much of that junk is whining, complaining, or excuses.