bulls #7 120 Minutes

Team Name
Start Time
End Time
Early Activity Wiffle Circle stopwatch 5:15-5:30 timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time.  It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More
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Warm Up Basketball Lines stopwatch 5:30-5:40 timer 10 Minutes
Basketball Lines - Rekindle your inner hoops player and get "on the line."  A simple change-of-direction move to train agility and condition athletes....Read More
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Catcher Fundamentals: Catcher stopwatch 5:40-5:50 timer 10 Minutes
This catchers drill is a fundamental drill for the entire team to work through. Although organized and offered under the category of Catching, this drill...Read More
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defense Waiter Tray Receiving stopwatch 5:50-5:55 timer 5 Minutes
Waiter Tray Receiving is an introductory activity to drill receiving or outfield skills during the Quick Defense portion of practice.  The goal of this...Read More
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Throwing Structured Catch Play stopwatch 5:55-6:05 timer 10 Minutes
Playing catch is the most important "drill" you will ever run as a coach! Structured Catch Play is more than just a drill.  It's actually more of an organized,...Read More
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throwing Hula Hoop Throwing stopwatch 6:05-6:15 timer 10 Minutes
Hula Hoop Throwing is a drill designed to work on basic throwing mechanics.  Highlights include stepping with the opposite foot and utilizing a proper...Read More
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Quick Defense Buffet Drill stopwatch 6:15-6:25 timer 10 Minutes
The Buffet Drill is most effectively run as a Quick Defense drill and combines four movements of baseball athleticism into a fun, quick activity.  Run...Read More
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  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
How To Coach: Hitting #1
stopwatch 6:30-6:45 timer 15 Minutes
Live BP
stopwatch 6:45-7:15 timer 30 Minutes
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Baserunning Around the World – 4 Runners stopwatch 7:20-7:25 timer 5 Minutes
Around the World is a baserunning drill involving ALL aspects of baserunning.  This is a combination drill involving four athletes and all of the basepaths....Read More
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Hit the corners and don't get caught by the trail runner.
Finish Relay Races stopwatch 7:25-7:30 timer 5 Minutes
Relay Races are a baseball friendly version of the standard relay race. Let's not make this more complicated that it is. Two equal lines, everybody runs,...Read More
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2 lines, one to first and one to third. grab ball on base and return home

"Lock in! Watch, listen, think... right here, right now."

– Dan Keller (Dugout Captain)


  •  Understand the why and how behind each drill at practice.
  •  Hear, don’t just listen
  •  Focus Reset Button for competition: Routine to follow when focus has slipped.