90 Minutes #1

Team Name
90 Minutes #1
Northridge Rec D2
Start Time
End Time
Suicides Basketball Lines stopwatch 6:00-6:05 timer 5 Minutes
Basketball Lines - Rekindle your inner hoops player and get "on the line."  A simple change-of-direction move to train agility and condition athletes....Read More
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Warm-up What is: Warm Up? stopwatch 6:05-6:15 timer 10 Minutes
The Warm Up practice segment is the first portion of practice. If an Early Activity was offered, Warm Up signals the beginning of official practice. It...Read More
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Butt Kickers, High Knees, I am a Star, Explosive lead, Explosive lead and go, Steal
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
One Knee Catch and Throw One Knee Catch stopwatch 6:20-6:25 timer 5 Minutes
One Knee Catch is a throwing drill typically done as part of the Throwing Progression (a routine to follow while warming the arm up).  Depending on...Read More
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Throwing Progression Throwing Progression stopwatch 6:25-6:40 timer 15 Minutes
Throwing Progression is a series of three drills: Two Knee Catch, One Knee Catch, and Feet in Concrete.  All three are supported in the DC Library with...Read More
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2 Lines 1 Coach 2 Lines, 1 Coach stopwatch 6:40-6:55 timer 15 Minutes
2 Lines, 1 Coach is a simple name for a simple drill.  Options include running this drill as an Early Activity, or during station instruction.  Coach...Read More
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Throw to the Net, set up pop-up net
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Lying Down Wiffle Catch Lying Down Wiffle Catch stopwatch 7:00-7:10 timer 10 Minutes
Lying Down Wiffle Catch is primarily used as a Quick Defense drill designed to assist young players in “getting the glove up.” Falling underneath...Read More
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No Gloves, 3 groups
4 Corner Receiving Four Corner Receiving stopwatch 7:10-7:20 timer 10 Minutes
Four-Corner Receiving is a drill to work on catching the baseball (basic receiving for beginning baseball players).  It is easy to execute, safe for beginning...Read More
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Playing Multiple Sports Playing Multiple Sports / Life Lesson stopwatch 7:20-7:35 timer 15 Minutes
Playing Multiple Sports Do it! It seems than nearly all sports nowadays can be played year round. Here in Southern California, there is little barrier...Read More
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