8U – 60 Mins #1

Team Name
8U – 60 Mins #1
Field 5
Start Time
End Time
EARLY ACTIVITY Wiffle Circle stopwatch 5:45-6:00 timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time.  It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More
notes Notes:
1-4 athletes = 1 hitter / 5-7 athletes = 2 hitters / 8+ athletes = 3 hitters
Warm Up/Intro Obstacle Course stopwatch 6:00-6:05 timer 5 Minutes
Obstacle Course is a Warm Up drill is designed for fun.  Run this early in the season to help break the ice and get kids to loosen up and smile.  The...Read More
notes Notes:
Intro: Name, Favorite Color. Bear crawl, side shuffle, dizzy bat 5 times, sprint back and high five
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
THROWING No Partner Throwing #1 stopwatch 6:10-6:15 timer 5 Minutes
No Partner Throwing is designed for the youngest players and run early in the season.  The set up and structure allow for safety as athletes will throw...Read More
notes Notes:
Into Centerfield: back foot to cone. Set hands, set eyes. Rock back, lift up, drop hand.
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Key #1: Fielding Triangle – This position is used to maximize the chances of success when fielding the ball. The base of the triangle is formed by two feet, and the hands represent the point of the triangle. Key #2: Alligator Hands – When receiving the baseball, let the ball roll into the glove and then “CHOMP” down on that ball with the top hand. The keyword Alligator Hands works well as a visual and memorable phrase. Key #3: Exit Footwork – Right foot step (ankle eye), left foot step (power), shuffle and throw.
Home to First
stopwatch 6:25-6:35 timer 10 Minutes
Front of bag, either foot, break down, look right.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Scrimmage Scrimmage stopwatch 6:40-6:55 timer 15 Minutes
A scrimmage is a time for kids to put the hard work into action, and experience the pressure of competition.  Simulate game play by splitting into groups...Read More
notes Notes:
Review Infield base positioning, receiving throw, run home to first. 2 teams
Review 8U – 60 Mins #1 stopwatch 6:55-7:00 timer 5 Minutes
notes Notes:

"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do."

– Derek Jeter, NY Yankees ('95-'14)


  •  Working hard is a habit, and habits must be earned. DECIDE to work hard daily!
  •  Find a way. Won’t always feel like working hard. Compete, challenge another, grind.
  •  "Practice is what you make of it,” Raul Ibanez (1996-2014)