3/6/19 Practice #2

Team Name
Start Time
End Time
EARLY ACTIVITY Wiffle Circle stopwatch 3:15-3:30 timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time.  It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More
notes Notes:
1-4 athletes = 1 hitter / 5-7 athletes = 2 hitters / 8+ athletes = 3 hitters. Assistant coaches and parents, I'll need your help if you arrive early so that I can set up other stuff. Please review.
Warm Up Obstacle Course stopwatch 3:30-3:35 timer 5 Minutes
Obstacle Course is a Warm Up drill is designed for fun.  Run this early in the season to help break the ice and get kids to loosen up and smile.  The...Read More
notes Notes:
Break the ice, build relationships, draw out smiles! High fives at transitions. 3 lines.
Catching Four Corner Receiving stopwatch 3:35-3:45 timer 10 Minutes
Four-Corner Receiving is a drill to work on catching the baseball (basic receiving for beginning baseball players).  It is easy to execute, safe for beginning...Read More
notes Notes:
Quick review of thumbs/pinkies from last wk beforehand. 4 stations. Ragballs and/or Ted's Incrediballs. First barehand, then graduate to glove.
How to get outs 3/6/19 Practice #2 stopwatch 3:45-3:50 timer 5 Minutes
notes Notes:
Chalk/Action figures. How to make an out on defense. Intro to Force out vs Tag out. Throw to 1B. If ball hit into outfield, throw to 2B/3B.
Ground balls 1 How to Coach: Ground Balls #1 stopwatch 3:50-4:00 timer 10 Minutes
This is the first step in teaching Ground Balls to your athletes. Conceptually, the goal of How To Coach: Ground Balls #1 is to begin training ground ball...Read More
notes Notes:
Review, freeze/broken reps, introduce POP! Power Net set up at 1B.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Hitting Grip & Stance Hitting Grip and Stance stopwatch 4:05-4:15 timer 10 Minutes
Hitting Grip & Stance is an introductory hitting.  For those athletes with little to no plan, this drill provides structure to both stance and grip....Read More
notes Notes:
Arm every hitter with a plan when going up to bat. Helmets on all players. 4-6 stations depends on # adults.
Rag ball stations BP Reps: Wiffle Ball stopwatch 4:15-4:25 timer 10 Minutes
Wiffle Ball Reps is a station where a coach uses wiffle balls to get swings.   EXECUTION - There are three main execution variables: Format - Drill Drill...Read More
notes Notes:
Rag balls. 3 (or 6) stations. 1 coach throwing to 2 at bat, 2 shagging balls. 8 swings each, then rotate 2 hitter/2 shaggers
Huddle Baseball Basics stopwatch 4:25-4:30 timer 5 Minutes
Baseball Basics is a practice segment scheduled to provide you, the coach, with the opportunity to introduce what's to come!  Teach your team the basics...Read More
notes Notes:
1) remind Early bird special, 2) Thumbs/Pinkies, 3) Break to T (reach/cobra), throw & finish (Shield/Tap-tap), 4) At bat (R/L/R).

"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do."

– Derek Jeter, NY Yankees ('95-'14)


  •  Working hard is a habit, and habits must be earned. DECIDE to work hard daily!
  •  Find a way. Won’t always feel like working hard. Compete, challenge another, grind.
  •  "Practice is what you make of it,” Raul Ibanez (1996-2014)