14U – 90 Mins #11
Team Name
14U – 90 Mins #11
Start Time
04:00 PM
End Time
05:30 PM
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time. It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More

Work on getting hit correctly (randomly) - DROP barrel, TURN head, TUCK chin.
Obstacle Course is a Warm Up drill is designed for fun. Run this early in the season to help break the ice and get kids to loosen up and smile. The...Read More

Make it a competition. 2 teams vs. 3 teams - depends on number of athletes.
Long Toss Competition is a fun throwing competition to run at the end of a throwing segment. Teach, then throw, finish by competing. This helps to...Read More

Long-Toss (push distance)... finish with Long-Toss-Competition.
Baserunners on first and third bases is a common situation for offensive trickery. Thus, it's an area of Team Defense that MUST be taught whenever runners...Read More

FULL TEAM on diamond for 1st & 3rd situations.
The Secondary & Read Drill is a baserunning drill operated at second base. The goal is to take baserunning instruction one level "deeper." Athletes...Read More

3 lines at 2nd Base. Coach tosses ball up - If catch = Back to bag / If drop = Go to 3rd.
Life Lesson discussions provide the opportunity to briefly talk about the characteristics of a champion. Use the Dugout Captain suggestions for each...Read More

BE AGGRESSIVE - Make a mistake, learn from it, improve!
Pregame Bullpen Routine is an overview of a pitchers preparation for game competition. Once called to the bullpen, follow this suggested pitch routine...Read More

10, 15, 20 pitches? Establish (and own) YOUR routine.
"Be aggressive. Be more aggressive. Never be satisfied."
– Pete Rose, Cincinatti Reds ('63-'86)
Dictate pace. Be the team that puts pressure on the opponent. Play quickly, throw strikes
Process vs. Results - Go hard and let results take care of themselves
We learn from aggressive mistakes. Cautious, passive mistakes waste time