120 Minutes

Team Name
120 Minutes
game field
Start Time
End Time
Early Activity BP Reps: Wiffle Ball stopwatch 5:15-5:30 timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Ball Reps is a station where a coach uses wiffle balls to get swings.   EXECUTION - There are three main execution variables: Format - Drill Drill...Read More
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Warm Up Dyn Warm Up 10U #1 stopwatch 5:30-5:40 timer 10 Minutes
~ SEE "EXECUTION KEYS" BELOW FOR AGE-SPECIFIC SUGGESTION LIST ~ The Dynamic Warm Up is today's warm up routine.  Gone are the days of standing in a...Read More
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Early 1st & 3rd Baserunning stopwatch 5:40-5:45 timer 5 Minutes
1st & 3rd Baserunning is a team offense drill to run during the baserunning segment of practice.  Your team will need to cover the 1st / 3rd situation...Read More
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Quick Defense Fundamentals: Sliding stopwatch 5:45-5:50 timer 5 Minutes
Fundamentals of Sliding is a drill designed to introduce athletes to the proper way to execute a feet-first slide.  Safety is paramount to sliding and...Read More
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  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
BP Reps: Front Toss
stopwatch 5:55-6:10 timer 15 Minutes
BP Reps: Wiffle Ball
stopwatch 6:10-6:25 timer 15 Minutes
Live BP
stopwatch 6:25-6:40 timer 15 Minutes
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Olympics – Outfield
stopwatch 7:00-7:15 timer 15 Minutes
Fundamentals: Cuts and Relays
stopwatch 7:15-7:30 timer 15 Minutes
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Finish Ground Ball Put Outs stopwatch 7:35-7:40 timer 5 Minutes
Ground Ball Put Outs brings into play the novel concept of recording OUTS!  At some point, athletes need to be taught how to execute force plays and tag...Read More
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"The most important quality I look for in a player is accountability. You've got to be accountable for who you are. It's too easy to blame things on someone else."

– Lenny Wilkens (HOF NBA Coach)


  •  The unwillingness to quit, the determination to find a solution, or the desire to complete a task. Get it done!
  •  The effort to get the project or task done when the first, second and third tries all go unsuccessful. Think responsibility 2.0!
  •  The champion holds himself accountable for the performance of the group and finds a way to push everyone towards success and accomplishment. Responsibilities can and will change, accountability does not!