9 tips for kids who just got cut from high school

Today's post comes to us from Captain Ryan, a DC coach and contributor that played high school, Div 1 college,…

Dan Keller

6.5 Hours

Here's a topic that comes up all the time in baseball circles - should you change your coaching style for…

Dan Keller

Wait, what? College!??

Yesterday, I finally got around to writing congratulations cards for the graduates in my life. Fortunately, there are many that…

Dan Keller

Lifelong friends

I can't say enough about how grateful I am to youth sports. It's through the team, the struggle, the wins,…

Dan Keller

Why do we make pitching so hard?

Now that the high school season has ended, I've spent a couple days over the last two weeks sitting behind a screen…

Dan Keller

So season is over, what now?

Inevitably, questions circulate this time of year about what to do next.  Season is over, and your kid wasn't selected…

Dan Keller

May Tip of the Month

Coach's Tip for May 2017 - Car Ride Home

Dan Keller

Give him a chance to earn his manhood

I recently posted a Facebook video shared to me by a family I've worked with.  It's only 17 seconds long,…

Dan Keller

Fixing the Curveball

In the last couple weeks I've helped three pitchers "fix" their curveball (two college guys and a high school dude) with really…

Dan Keller

DC proud to partner with AABC

The movement is growing... very proud to announce the American Amateur Baseball Congress as a national partner in coaching development…

Dan Keller